Saturday, March 19, 2011


I suppose I’ll just jump right into it.  When I first came to Nicaragua I set a goal to start writing at my one-year mark.  The time frame had no real significance other than that it took into account my inevitable procrastination.  I knew I would never start on day one.  But here I am, ten months in and already going.  Anyway, I have no idea where this will go but I promise to write exactly as often as I please and about whatever I choose.  With that said, the majority of it will more than likely be inspired, at least in some small way, by my time lived here.  Sometimes I feel as if so much happens here that I could never remember it all to write everything down.  Other times I spend hours on end swinging like a pendulum in my hammock; I read a book, I talk to the avocado tree, I avoid the flea-ridden dog.  I’ll mostly be writing about the non-hammock experiences.  Finally, before getting started, I would like to add that this is just a working title for the blog.  I started with the straightforward title of “Nica Hoop” but was forced to change direction due to its uncanny similarity to the word “nincompoop”.  It was a difficult realization for me.  Morale was low.  So for the time being, I lazily decided on some simple adjectives that describe the place where most of my writing takes place.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Bill - I don't normally do the "social networking" thing (and don't really know how to) but YOU have the makings of an author I would enjoy reading. This could easily be the start of your first book - but maybe you already know that. Good work! Terri
